Gas Plumbing & Fireplace Installation

We provide comprehensive gas plumbing and fireplace installation services in the Spokane area. Offering both commercial and residential services, you absolutely won’t regret working with Pilot.

Your Local Gas Plumbing & Fireplace Specialists

Our certified and experienced technicians have you covered

With Pilot, you can count on a worry free experience due to our years of knowledge and experience. Years of operating locally gives us the ability to connect you with the right people, even if a job is outside of our specialization.

We’ll either complete your job in a timely manner, or direct you to local specialists who can!

Request a Free Estimate


Gas Plumbing Install

Our certified plumbers do gas plumbing installs for both commercial and residential projects.


Gas Line Repair

Existing gas line repairs are no problem, give us a call and we’ll have you back up and running before you know it.


Fireplace Installation

Our fireplace installations are custom designed for each customer’s needs. Our technicians will work with you closely to make sure you get exactly what you need.

Why Choose Us

All it takes is one experience with Pilot to see why our customers keep coming back. Here are just a few things you can expect while working with us.

Qualified Expert

You can rest easy knowing you'll be working with a competent, state certified expert while completing your job.

Workmanship Quality

We pride ourselves on our attention to detail. We aren't just out here installing fireplaces -- we're making art.

Flexible Schedule

Call any time to schedule an appointment. We're quick to respond and we can have your job complete before you even know it.


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